Entries for September 2016
KEEP CHRIST IN CHRISTMAS - Christmas Cards and Saint Bridget Church Pelican Christmas Ornaments will be sold after all Masses for two weekends only on October 1-2 and October 8-9, 2016.
This one-of-a-kind, limited edition Christmas ornament is based on the beautiful mosaic on our Saint Bridget altar. It will make a fantastic gift!
Based on last year's ornament demand, we anticipate selling out quickly. The ornament cost is $25 and Christmas cards are $6.50-$12/box.
Cash and checks are accepted. Please stop by the Knights of Columbus tables to mak...
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St. Mary's Catholic School invites you to high school information fair for all Catholic middle school students and their parents. Exhibitors included both private and public high schools in the Richmond area.
The event will be held on Thursday, October 6th, 2016 from 7 to 8:30 p.m. in the Parish Hall of Saint Mary's School 9501 Gayton Road Richmond Virginia 23229. For additional information, please visit the school's website at www.saintmary.org or you may contact Jeannette Sbharwal at (804)364-7285.
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From September 28 through November 6, you’re invited to join other Christians for 40 Days for Life – 40 days of prayer and fasting for an end to abortion. You’re also invited to stand and to pray peacefully during a 40-day vigil in the public right-of- way outside the Planned Parenthood at 201 N. Hamilton Street, Richmond, VA, 23221, for one or more hours during the 40-day prayer vigil, and also to help spread the word about this important community outreach. If you’d like more information – and especially if you’d like to volunteer to help, please contact: Ann Niermeyer, ...
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River Cruise in Washington! - On Thursday, October 27th, the St. Bridget Saints and Sinners have planned an exciting trip to Washington! We will take an enjoyable cruise on the Potomac River aboard the Spirit of Washington while viewing the monuments and enjoying a delicious multi-course buffet luncheon. Next, we are going to visit the Cathedral of St. Matthew the Apostle, recently restored and with many beautiful side chapels. We will be guided by a docent for an informative tour of this beautiful church. Then we will head over to bustling Arlington to complete our visit with a relaxing and meal at...
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Saints and Sinners,
FOR HEALING AFTER ABORTION, a Rachel’s Vineyard Retreat, sponsored by Church of the Epiphany, will be held Sept 30th - Oct 2, 2016, at Shalom House Retreat Center in Montpelier, Virginia. This retreat is for women and men who have known regret, sorrow, guilt, or shame from abortion. The weekend is a confidential retreat that combines living scripture meditations, spiritual exercises, and discussions in a guided process that leads to the heart of God’s love and compassion. If you would like to learn more about this retreat you can contact Marty Montgomery-Jennings at 804-704-04...
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General News
Mercy and Healing in the Jubilee Year - Saturday, October 1st, 8:30 am - Noon
Monsignor Carr and the Respect Life Committee invite you to a morning seminar on Respect Life weekend at St. Bridget Church. Come gather in support for all life! This seminar features excellent speakers that will challenge you, encourage you, educate you, and support you in your personal mission for life. There will be a number of representatives from organizations that work on behalf of life in our community! All are welcome; please invite friends and family from St. Bridget and other parishes. Coffee begins at 8...
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General News