Entries for December 2015
Click here to make your pledge online.
2016 Stewardship Appeal information and pledge card, included in our Annual Report, was mailed to all parishioners. Your compassionate spirit of giving will continue to enable our parish to fulfill the mission of our Catholic faith tradition. Thank you for sharing your many gifts of time, talent, and treasure.
“As each one has received a special gift, employ it in serving one another,
as good stewards of the manifold grace of God.” - 1 Peter 4:10-11
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Join Us for ALPHA!
Alpha is a 10-week course that meets once a week and focuses on your relationship with Jesus and the Holy Spirit. We meet for dinner, watch a video and have small group discussions. Maybe you have a friend or loved one who has been away from the church for a while and would be perfect to get involved with Alpha? Hundreds of St. Bridget’s parishioners have been through the program with great success! It is a great way to meet other parishioners or find a smaller faith group! Alpha will begin on Thursday, January 7th, 2016, at 6:00. Find out more about Alpha please cont...
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Our schedule as we welcome all to our Christmas Masses
December 24: Nativity of the Lord, Christmas Eve
6:00 pm in the Church
6:00 pm in Mother Presentation Hall
8:00 pm in the Church
10:30 pm in the Church
A 30-minute Prelude will include Christmas Carols
to be sung by all at the above Masses 6 pm,
8 pm and 10:30 pm
December 25: Nativity of the Lord, Christmas Day
7:30 am, 9:00 am and 11:00 am in the Church
A 30-minute Carol Sing will precede each Mass.
Please Note:
No 5:00 pm Mass on Christmas Day
December 31, Vigil Mass for Holy Mary,
Mother of God: 5:30 pm
January 1, Mass for ...
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Respect Life Events and Activities - There are many events and activities related to our faith's focus on respecting all life from conception unitl natural death. In particular, the March for Life and the Respect Life Holy Hour occur early in the New Year. Please visit the Respect Life page on our website for more information on all upcoming events.
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Respect Life,
Right to Life,
March for Life
Fair Trade Coffee and Tea Sales for Christmas
The weekend of December 19/20 we will be offering an assortment of coffee, tea, hot cocoa, chocolate bars and chocolate covered coffee beans (YUMM!) just in time for Christmas – stuff a stocking or bring the relatives some goodies. In time for holiday table we have a variety of new coffee and teas and you lovers of java drops know they are back again. Both the St. Bridget coffee and Singing Rooster are in beautiful bags with a fresh seal that will keep that fresh roast taste longer. Stop by in the commons after Mass to see the wide assortment being offered....
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