
Entries for July 2022

Friends of the Poor Walk

Posted on July 13, 2022

Raise funds for our St. Vincent de Paul! Teresa of Calcutta Chapter! Parishioners can form teams or walk individually to participate in the walk on Sept 24th at St. Michael the Archangel. This is a fun opportunity for families, prayer groups, or whole ministries to come together to raise funds for the poor.  Teams from St. Bridget are encouraged to select our St Teresa conference as their beneficiary.  if you are putting a team together or would like to join a team, let Jeannie Grumblatt know in our Social Concerns Office   Registration: Clic...

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Summer/Fall 2022 Bible Studies

Posted on July 12, 2022

Monday Morning 9 a.m. in Person Study Revelation Bible Study Begins Sept. 12 A Ten Session Study on the book of Revelation and we begin Monday, September 12 at 9:00 AM, both in-person and on Zoom. This study is from Ascension Press hosted by Jeff Cavins.   In this study, you will discover what the mysterious figures and images of Revelation mean.  You will see how Revelation is more than an apocalyptic vision of the “end times”.  It is a revelation of God as our Divine Bridegroom and the Church as his spotless bride, forever united in a heavenly, holy and mystical marriage that we enter...

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Snowball Lane Repaving

Posted on July 18, 2022 in: General News

Snowball Lane will be closed from July 25th through August 22nd for repair and repaving.  Parking, including handicaped parking, will still be available on the blacktop, in front of the Church, and on the streets surrounding the parish.  Snowball Lane is the one way lane you enter from York Rd. and wraps behind the elementary school and past the parish offices.  Snowball Lane is named after Snowball, the dog of Mother Presentation, who was headmistress at Saint Bridget school for many years. There is a memorial stone on snowball lane for the beloved dog.   

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Mother Presentation Hall and Snowball Lane are well known to parishioners of today as the School Gymnasium and the one-way lane that wraps behind it, but here's a bit about the namesakes of these Saint Bridget landmarks.  About Mother Presentation & The Order of Sisters Order Name  Religious of the Sacred Heart of Mary (RSHM). Originated in France, was based out of Tarrytown, New York when Saint Bridget welcomed the Sisters, and is now headquartered in California. Notably, the order started Loyola Marymount Univeristy in Los Angeles. Their motto is “Ut Vitam Habeant,” (So...

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Saint Bridget is teaming up with Mary's Choice RVA to make it as easy as possible for women in crisis pregnancies to choose life! The Goal The next ten women that walk into Mary's Choice will be greeted with a full lineup of brand new baby gear - Blankets, Diapers, Car Seats, Cribs, etc. all courtesy of their friends at Saint Bridget.  The Link Here is the Amazon Smile Baby Registry: The Gear We've included new mom basics for up to 10 new moms so far.  Bigger ticket items are set for grou...

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August 9 at 7pm in Church Hall.  The Youth Ministry Visioning Session is for parents and catechists to discuss our structure of youth ministry, religious education, and Confirmation prep.  We are asking questions about how we should organize outreach to youth in our parish for this fall, and we want to hear ideas from parents and catechists. Andrew Waring, the Director of Evangelization from the Diocese and a Saint Bridget Parishioner will be helping to guide the process.  This Visioning Session comes at an important point of transition in Youth Ministry as we search for a new Youth Minister.&n...

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Contact Info

Saint Bridget Catholic Church
6006 Three Chopt Road
Richmond, Virginia 23226

Office & Clergy: (804) 282-9511
Fax: (804) 285-7227

Office Hours
Mon-Fri: 9 a.m. - 3:45 p.m. 

We are closed 12:30-1:30 p.m. for lunch.


Mass Schedule

Monday - Saturday: 8 a.m.

Sunday Masses
7:30 a.m.
9:00 a.m.
11:00 a.m.

+Saturday Vigil: 5:30 PM


Our Sponsors
