
Entries for February 2018

Welcome to the 2018 Annual Diocesan Appeal –  Building Our Family of Faith.   This year’s theme is inspired by two sources. The first is Galatians 6:10: “So, as we have the opportunity, let us do good to all men, especially to those who are of the household of faith.” The second is from Pope Francis and his reflection during the Feast of the Holy Family in 2017: “Christian families are missionary families. …They are missionary in everyday life, in their doing everyday things, as they bring to everything the salt and the leaven of faith!” With the most amb...

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Saint Bridget will be undergoing some physical changes to help us build community and continue our mission to proclaim the Gospel to the world.  All parishioners are encouraged to attend a presentation about the Master Plan Outdoor Project.  Thursday, February 15 at 7:00 p.m. in the Church Sanctuary. You will learn how you may participate and help the project to be a success!  Please call 282.9511 and let us know if you plan to attend.    

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Saint Bridget, impact, master plan
Join His Excellency, Diocese of Richmond Bishop Barry C. Knestout , His Excellency, Diocese of Arlington Bishop Michael F. Burbidge, and the Virginia Catholic Conference, their public policy agency, as well as civic and elected officials, parishioners and people of all faiths at a special liturgy for Virginia’s elected officials and the needs of the state. The third annual Virginia Vespers: Evening Prayer for the Commonwealth will be held at the beautiful, historic Cathedral of the Sacred Heart, Richmond, at 5 p.m., Thursday, Feb. 15, 2018. The hour-long service draws on an ancient Christian liturgy and includes Scri...

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Vespers, Evening, Knestout

Contact Info

Saint Bridget Catholic Church
6006 Three Chopt Road
Richmond, Virginia 23226

Office & Clergy: (804) 282-9511
Fax: (804) 285-7227

Office Hours
Mon-Fri: 9 a.m. - 3:45 p.m. 

We are closed 12:30-1:30 p.m. for lunch.


Mass Schedule

Monday - Saturday: 8 a.m.

Sunday Masses
7:30 a.m.
9:00 a.m.
11:00 a.m.

+Saturday Vigil: 5:30 PM


Our Sponsors
