
Is it Mandatory?

Do I have to be confirmed?
Does my child have to go to class?
Do I have to attend the retreat?

All of us are given free will to choose right from wrong, to choose sprinkles or no sprinkles on our doughnuts. Free will extends to Confirmation. You discern if the formation events are more or less important than what else is going on in your life. No one is forced to be Confirmed/attend Confirmation classes/retreats/service projects etc. 

Please don't ask your catechists if an event is mandatory/required/compulsary etc. That's up to you to discern. 
Catechists/Youth Minsters are simply trying to prepare Confirmands as the Bishop has asked. 

Here's the thing: Life happens, family members get married, loved ones pass away, homecoming dances happen, your team competes at Nationals, etc. We understand these things are important moments in a persons life and we will happily work with you to cover the material of whatever was missed.... but some things can't be made up - moments of growing deeper in faith as you serve with your peers, team building or encountering Christ in a powerful way at Mass, in reconciliation or on retreat. 

If you are in a period of your life where some aspect of your life repeatedly seems to supercede Mass attendance or Confirmation preparation, then don't get Confirmed, come back to Confirmation when you can give yourself adequate time to prepare. The Church will be here when you are ready! 

The Bishop in this diocese asks that Confirmands prepare for the sacrament by completing four elements and attending Mass. At the Confirmation Mass the youth minister testifies to the Bishop that the Confirmands have completed these elements and are prepared to be Confirmed. If you have not attended the offered events and Mass, it's very difficult to recommend you to the Bishop as having fully prepared for Confirmation. 

We encourage you to ask the Holy Spirit for guidance and discernment. Then encourage you to exercise your free will.
We are here to support you in your journey and will do what we can to prepare you for this Sacrament. Its up to you whether you want sprinkles or not. 




Confirmation Schedule

Contact Info

Saint Bridget Catholic Church
6006 Three Chopt Road
Richmond, Virginia 23226

Office & Clergy: (804) 282-9511
Fax: (804) 285-7227

Office Hours
Mon-Fri: 9 a.m. - 3:45 p.m. 

We are closed 12:30-1:30 p.m. for lunch.


Mass Schedule

Monday - Saturday: 8 a.m.

Sunday Masses
7:30 a.m.
9:00 a.m.
11:00 a.m.

+Saturday Vigil: 5:30 PM


Our Sponsors

Parish Pictures
Architect Glenn Canencio w/Ed
MS Rally 2016 Edited -5480