Who is welcome?
Everyone! Whether you are Catholic or not, you're welcome here. Below are a few of the groups that reach out to us most often.
If you are curious about what we believe or do and why, we'd love to answer your questions.Eveyone is welcome to join us and experience our community and liturgical life, regardless of faith background. Our priests, staff, and parishioners are here to help, even if you're not Catholic.
Catholic but haven’t been to church in a while?
Welcome home! If you are curious about revisiting your Catholic roots, or are seeking a return to the Sacraments, Saint Bridget Catholic Church can help. Christ offers a powerful message of acceptance and eternal love for us, we would love to help you come back to practicing the faith.
Catholics looking for a Parish
Take advantage of the opportunity to sanctify the day by coming to Daily or Sunday Mass or by slipping into the church to pray and spend time with Jesus in the Reserved Eucharist. You can contact the parish office with questions, subscribe to our emails, or jump into a bible study or social ministry without being a parishioner. If God is leading you here, we're ready when you are. We offer a new parishioner orientation on the 2nd Sunday of each month after the 9 a.m. Mass. You don't have to commit to being a parishioner to attend, it's a great way to get information and meet the clergy, but most participants are new parishioners.
Connect with us
Call the parish office at 804-282-9511 with any questions about joining our parish.