High school men, rising 10th through 12th grade, are invited to consider joining the diocesan seminarians at Quo Vadis, a discernment opportunity, taking place from Thursday, July 21 through Sunday, July 24, 2022 at the Edge Christian Camp,
702 Eastover Drive, Spring Grove, VA 23881.
Men are asked to arrive on Thursday evening at 7:00 PM. We will finish by 12:00 PM on Sunday. Family members will be welcome to join the men for Mass at the camp at 10:30 AM Sunday morning.
For more information, the men may contact the Office of Vocations or contact Seminarian David Urlwin at durlwin@richmonddiocese.org
Each participant is required to:
- Send in a completed recommendation letter (submitted by his pastor or youth minister): https://forms.gle/9fawYkDvEAvFQj7HA
- Complete a registration form: https://ofe.regfox.com/2022-quo-vadis.
- The total cost for Quo Vadis is $50.