We are excited to announce our Free Pre-Lenten Parish Mission!
A three-day event for our community to be encouraged, grow, and be fed in anticipation of Lent.
- All events are free.
- No reservations are required (unless you'll need childcare)
- All talks will be live-streamed
Sunday, February 27
6:30 p.m. Community BBQ Dinner & 7:00 p.m. Keynote Presentation
Monday, February 28
11 a.m. Keynote Presentation & Noon Sandwich Lunch
6:30 p.m. Community Mexican Dinner & 7:00 p.m. Keynote Presentation
Tuesday, March 1
5:30 p.m. Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament & Confessions
7:00 p.m. Fat Tuesday Pancake Dinner
The Fat Tuesday pancake dinner is traditionally done to use up all the sugar and fat before the season of Prayer, Fasting, and Almsgiving. Special thanks to Shoney's Family Restaurant for donating and sending cooks to Saint Bridget to make all the breakfast food!
Live Stream Links

About the Event
Parish Missions are traditionally done in Lent and/or Advent as a way for a Catholic Community to come together, pray, be challenged, and strengthen their faith. Usually, we bring in a guest speaker to offer a fresh voice and perspective on our faith. These speakers are entertaining and easy to listen to, but also have the theological background and depth to offer real substance so no matter where you are in your faith journey, you'll walk away with something of value.
Keynote Speaker: Robert Feduccia
A graduate of St. Meinrad Seminary and the Catholic University of America, Robert is recognized by the US Conference of Catholic Bishops as an expert in the Catholic Church and Evangelization. He has served as Editor and Director for Saint Mary’s Press and the Spirit and Song division of Oregon Catholic Press. Robert teaches, speaks, and emcees for Diocesan and parish events across the United States and abroad.
Robert began his ministry in the Diocese of Richmond and has been a frequent guest at parishes and diocesan events over the past 20 years. When Bishop DiLorenzo launched a campaign for the New Evanglization, Robert was selected to present the training and vision to every employee of the Diocese. We are happy to welcome Robert back to Richmond.
To make this event as successful (and accessible!) as possible to the community, we are in need of a few sponsors. Please contact Director of Evangelization, Dan Harms at dharms@saintbridgetchurch.org if you're interested in partnering with us to strengthen the parish and serve our community. Thank you!
To make this event possible, we will need a team of volunteers. At the moment we are collecting general interest, but as we refine our schedule and identify volunteer needs, we will update this request. Click Here to Help!