You’re Invited to the Saints and Sinners Christmas Luncheon!
The Saints and Sinners invite you to our annual Christmas Luncheon - a wonderful time to gather in this special time of the year. This will be held on Thursday, December 14th at 11:30am in the parish commons.
Allen Bean, our Minister of Music, will lead us in Christmas carols, and our St. Bridget kindergartners will visit and treat us to a Christmas song or two! Come prepared to croon some carols, enjoy some festive fellowship, and dine on a delicious lunch prepared by our Kitchenettes! Please wear your red and green and bring your favorite Christmas cookies to share!
Please RSVP by Dec. 10th to John McCulla by replying by email to, or calling or texting 804-306-2488.
A donation of $5 at the door is requested. See you on the 14th!