Baby Bottles will be available in the Commons. Please, take a bottle, fill it with coins, cash, or checks made out to Mary's Choice RVA, and return the bottle to Saint Bridget by Epiphany, January 8th, 2023. Or, contribute directly to Mary's Choice by visiting their website here.
Mary’s Choice RVA, a 501c3 non-profit organization, which was founded in 2019, by a local Catholic, pro-life, Maureen Nwoye. Mary's Choice is a ministry to single mothers and their children.
Since the verdict came down in the Dobbs case, overturning the constitutional right to abortion in the US, you have no doubt heard many voices on all sides of that issue. One prominent voice we hear a lot is that pro-life churches and groups only care about babies - not about the mothers who carry them, especially those in difficult circumstances. Mary’s Choice RVA is not a political organization. Regardless of the legality of abortion in our state or our country, we dedicate ourselves daily to provide a safe haven where pregnant women and their children can live through their pregnancy childbirth and for the first few years of their children’s lives, free of charge. MCRVA is modeled after the very successful maternity home-Mary's Shelter in Fredericksburg VA
In addition to a stable and loving home our residents receive support services -educational and job training, access to childcare, mental health services, parenting education, financial literacy, budget help and one on one mentoring - all to help the young moms achieve independence for themselves and their young families.
Mary’s Choice RVA is not a political organization. Regardless of the legality of abortion in our state or our country, we dedicate ourselves daily to provide a safe haven where pregnant women and their children can live through their pregnancy childbirth and for the first few years of their children’s lives, free of charge.
Up to date we have screened over 20 and processed 13 applications, have housed six women. We currently have two mothers and three children living in our home. On July 8th we welcomed the first baby at MCRVA, identical twin boys. The mother and babies are doing well. After the birth of the twins, the mother was reunited with her family and has gone home to live with her aunt.
Our second baby was born in September and after a prayerful decision, the mother placed the child for adoption through Commonwealth Catholic Charities. Please pray for all our residents, children, staff and volunteers.
We have a third mother moving in tour home next week.
Today we are raising money to be able to continue assisting the mothers that come to us, pay bills and hire adequate staff. All donations are tax-deductible and go directly to support the operation of our ministry and the needs of our residents.
Please join us in our pro-life mission helping moms give their babies the ultimate gift-LIFE! Please grab a bottle as you leave. We thank you for your generosity.
Our home is in honor of Mary, mother of our Lord, and our Blessed Mother, who is relying on each of us-and you-to help make MCRVA a success. We can all work together to Change a Life, Save a Child
Thank you and God Bless!