Fr. Dillon is offering a Pilgrimage to the Saint John Paul II National Shrine on Saturday, September 10 in Washington DC. This is a beautiful Shrine and well worth the trip. If you are interested please contact Fr. Dillon for details and arrangements. dbruce@richmonddiocese.org
Here is a link to information on the Shrine.
JPII National Shrine Pilgrimage Details
On Saturday September 10th, Father Dillon will be leading a pilgrimage to the Saint John Paul II National Shrine. This pilgrimage will focus on the life of Saint John Paul II and the message of Divine Mercy. The pilgrimage includes touring the JPII Shrine, Mass and the opportunity for Confession, times of prayer, reflections on God’s mercy, and a visit to the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception. The pilgrimage is at no cost and is open to all adults and families. Personal arrangements for transportation needed. Please bring your own lunch. Please let Fr. Dillon know you will be attending by calling into the office or emailing dbruce@richmonddiocese.org.
When and Where
Saturday, September 10th
Arrive at Saint John Paul II National Shrine by 10:00am
Depart Saint John Paul II National Shrine by 4:00pm
Please coordinate your own transportation
Saint John Paul II National Shrine
3900 Harewood Road NE
Washington, DC 20017
10:00am – Opening Prayer at Saint John Paul II National Shrine
10:15am – “A Gift of Love: The Life of Saint John Paul II” Exhibit
11:30am – Opportunity for Confession in Redemptor Hominis Church
12:00pm – Mass in Redemptor Hominis Church
12:45pm – Lunch (Provide your own)
1:15pm – Visit Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception
2:15pm – Rosary in Chapel of Our Lady of Czestochowa
2:30pm – Return to Saint John Paul II National Shrine
3:00pm – Hour of Mercy and Divine Mercy Chaplet
4:00pm – Depart for Richmond