National Vocation Awareness Week (NVAW) is an annual week-long celebration of the Catholic Church in the United States dedicated to promoting vocations to the priesthood, diaconate and consecrated life through prayer and education, and to renew our prayers and support for those who are considering one of these particular vocations.
The seminarians of the Diocese of Richmond had the opportunity last weekend to visit college campuses throughout the diocese giving talks and encouraging discernment of vocations among college students.
Parishioners will notice the new seminarian posters in the commons, we also have prayer cards available through the diocesan Vocations office and we encourage all of you to continue to pray for the seminarians and those discerning religious life in our Diocese.
For more information on vocations to religious life contact any of the ministry staff or clergy at Saint Bridget or the Office of Vocations at the Diocese of Richmond.
USCCB Resources on Consecrated Life