VIRTUS Training for Volunteers Who Work with Children
Volunteers in any of St. Bridget’s ministries that involve working with children under the age of 18 are required by the Diocese of Richmond to attend the workshop “Protecting God’s Children.” This includes the following ministries:
Religious Education PS-5
First Eucharist Preparation
Children’s Liturgy
Youth Ministry 6-12
Confirmation Preparation
Confirmation Retreat
Catholic Heart Work Camp
Blackwell School
Armstrong High School
Upcoming sessions include:
Saturday, September 17, 9:00 am, Our Lady of Lourdes Church
Tuesday, September 20, 6:00 pm, Our Lady of Lourdes School
Tuesday, September 20, 6:30 pm, Church of the Redeemer
Tuesday, September 27, 6:00 pm, St. Mary Church
Wednesday, September 28, 6:30 pm, St. Gabriel Church
You may register for a workshop at If you have questions contact Julie Koury at or 804-282-9511 x323.