This event will be at Saint Bridget from 7-8:30pm in Church Hall.
Please come and welcome Dr. Imad Damaj, VCU Professor and visionary leader who understands that increasing religious diversity presents challenges and opportunities. Dr. Damaj is President and Founder of the Virginia Muslim Coalition for Public Affairs.
Dr. Damaj will describe his faith. He and a panel of guests will lead our discussion as we seek to learn from one another and live well with one another.
Dr. Damaj is from Beirut and has lived in Richmond for 20 years. He is a professor in the Department of pharmacology and toxicology at VCU. He received a Humanitarian Award from the Virginia Center for Inclusive Communities in 2013. Dr. Damaj is a trustee of the Islamic Center of Virginia and chair of their outreach committee.
For more information contact Human Concerns Minister, Paul Amrhein Paul@saintbridgetchurch.org