At the Saint Bridget Bell Tower from 8:30 - 11 a.m.
St. Peter Catholic Church feeds many of our brothers and sisters in the city who are hungry. Their Food Pantry is in constant need of replenishment! They have consistent demand for food for homeless and needy families. Saint Bridget parishioners' generous donations are a great help!
You also may donate gift cards from Walmart or Kroger.
The Knights of Columbus will collect your food donation from the trunk or back of your car. Thank you
very much for your generosity! Please call John McCulla at 804-306-2488 with any questions.
Suggested Items
Food Items
- Peanut Butter - 1lb jar Fruit Cups
- Assorted Soups
- Canned Chicken, Ham,
- Assorted Canned Fruits
- Tuna, Sardines
- Canned Vegetables
- Ramen Noodles
- Canned Beans
- Rice and Pasta
- Cold or Hot Cereals
- Spaghetti Sauce
- Ravioli/Spaghetti
- Granola/Protein Bars
- Crackers - PB/Cheese
Personal Care
- Bar soap, Deodorant
- Lotions, Hair care
- Dental care
- Shaving needs
- Clothing
- Jeans
- Men's Underwear
- Casual Shoes