Wilderness Escape 2022! - June 27 - July 1, 9 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
An action-packed week of faith, fun, and adventure. Wilderness Escape VBS features wild games, fantastic crafts, an epic soundtrack and more joy than a wild boar in an ice cream store. Adventure awaits for children ages four through 5th grade.
Sign up to Volunteer Here
Volunteers Make it Happen: Rising 6th Graders to Adults
We need all sorts of help before and during the week of VBS! Come for part or all of the week.
Decorating, Set Design, Music, Dancing, Crafting, Group Leaders, Break Down & Clean up, etc.
Volunteer questions can be directed to Mona or Shannon Jones (cc-ed on this email).
Registration will open on May 1st (hopefully, we need to have enough volunteers first).
Chat with the organizers
Mona Bausone: MBausone@saintbridgetchurch.org
Liz Waring: elnappi@gmail.com