Knights of Columbus Coat Drive
Give Thanks . . . And Give the Gift of Warmth! Saint Bridget Coat Drive - The Saint Bridget Knights of Columbus are again holding a coat drive to help many in our community to keep warm! Please donate new and gently used coats for both adults and children. Your gift will provide them comfort and warmth through the winter.
Puritan Cleaners - they have been collecting coats for 30 years! - will clean the coats and then the coats will be distributed to organizations including those supported by St. Bridget food drives: Commonwealth Catholic Charities, St. Peter’s Food Pantry, Sacred Heart Center, and Blackwell School.
Drop-Off Bin: Sunday, Nov. 7th to Friday, Nov. 12th
A drop-off bin – clearly marked for the Coat Drive - will be placed near St. Bridget School. Drop-off your coat donations at any time during the week (please avoid disrupting school pick-up/drop-off times - 7:45-8:15 am and 2:15 to 3:15 pm). Please watch out for children when dropping off coats.
In-Person Drop-Off: Sat. Nov. 13th, 8:45 am to 11:00 am in the St. Bridget parking lot.
The Knights will collect the coats from the trunk or back of your car when you pull up.
Give Thanks . . . And Give the Gift of Warmth! Thank you for your generosity! Please see the St. Bridget website and Sunday Bulletin for more information.