Thursday Monthly Men's Virtual Study: Into the Breach
Fourth Thursdays at 7:00 p.m. (Third Thursdays November & December)
Knights of Columbus Council 5476 invites all Catholic men of St Bridget parish to join us at our monthly Into the Breach virtual meeting. Meetings last approximately 1 hour. This 12-episode video series was produced by the Knights of Columbus. One video is watched at each of our monthly meetings held throughout the year. The topic of each video seeks to answer the question of what it means to be a man and what it means to live as a Catholic man in today’s world. The goal of our meetings is to spur discussion, helping each other grow in faith and to challenge one another to become the men that God is calling us to be. If you have not registered in the past, please contact: Sean Cox, Deputy Grand Knight (757) 342-1273