
The Diocesan Youth Conference is February 7-9th, 2020

  • 1000+ Catholic teens take over a few hotels and the convention center in downtown Richmond for a weekend.
  • Awesome inspirational and entertaining speakers, Concerts, Mass with Bishop Knestout, tons of workshops to grow in your faith, so many inflatables.
  • Opportunities for service, sacraments, and crazy amounts of fun. Also, you get a rad t shirt.
  • Open to all high school students and 8th grade students.
  • Click Here for a Video Recap of last year’s DYC.  


General Schedule

  • Friday, arrive at 6:15pm, lights out 11:30pm
  • Saturday, 8:30am-11:30pm
  • Sunday, 8:30am breakfast, 10:45am Mass with Bishop Knestout, 12:30/1pm dismissal

Click Here for full details including:

  • Who is attending
  • Dress Code
  • Behavior/Safety
  • Detailed Schedule

Forms for DYC 2020

Download Adult Form
Download Teen Form

How to return the form to me

  • All Digital: fill the form out in a pdf editor, email it back to me digitally.
  • Half Digital: Print the form, fill it out by hand, email/text me the photos of the forms (619) 957-1332
  • Not Digital: print the form, fill it out by hand, drop it off at the Church office care of Dan Harms



  • Check: payable to Saint Bridget Catholic Church, Memo: DYC 2020
  • Online: I’ll email out a link with online payment shortly.
  • Cost is calculated on when the forms are returned to me, not when payment is made.



Registration is secured when the forms are submitted to Dan.
Submitting forms means you intend to attend and you intend to pay.

Cancelled registrations on or before January 8th will incur a $110 penalty.
Cancelled registrations on or after January 9th get no refund.

However, if you can find someone the same gender as you to take your place, the substitution fee is $65.



  • Adult (solo room) $235
  • Adult (shared room) $130
  • Teen (2 in room) $305
  • Teen (3 in room) $255
  • Teen (4 in room) $225

Adults must be virtus trained and background checked.



We’ll do our best to accommodate every request and assign rooms ahead of time.
If you sign up for the 4 in a room rate, and we only have three teens in that room, there is a chance a fourth teen from another youth group will be joining you.
Rooms have two queen beds, unless you are a married couple or request a solo room.
We can not accommodate more than 4 teens in a room.



Contact Info

Saint Bridget Catholic Church
6006 Three Chopt Road
Richmond, Virginia 23226

Office & Clergy: (804) 282-9511
Fax: (804) 285-7227

Office Hours
Mon-Fri: 9 a.m. - 3:45 p.m. 

We are closed 12:30-1:30 p.m. for lunch.


Parish Pictures
untitled (62 of 103)
St. Matthew Medallion
untitled (22 of 103)

Our Sponsors